# this makefile shows how to locate src dependancies. use VPATH.
# src tree:
# common
# print_util.h
# inc.h
# stash
# stash.h
# stash.cpp (include "common/inc.h & common/print_util.h")
# main.cpp (include "common/inc.h & common/print_util.h")
# makefile
# execute make in current path.
TARGET= main.exe
OBJS= stash.o \
# "." is used for building stash.o to search for "common/print_util.h" and "common/inc.h"
INCLUDE_DIRS=-I"."# searching for stash.cpp
VPATH= ./stash
#vpath %.cpp ./stash
all :$(OBJS)$(COMPILER)-o$(TARGET)$^%.o :%.cpp$(COMPILER)$(LOCAL_CPP_FLAGS)$(INCLUDE_DIRS)-g-o$@-c$<.PHONY :cleanclean:-rm$(REBUILDABLE)
modified on the basis of this makefile
# This sample makefile is extracted from Eclipse's "C/C++ Development Guide -Makefile".
# A sample Makefile
# This Makefile demonstrates and explains
# Make Macros, Macro Expansions,
# Rules, Targets, Dependencies, Commands, Goals
# Artificial Targets, Pattern Rule, Dependency Rule.
# Comments start with a # and go to the end of the line.
# Here is a simple Make Macro.
LINK_TARGET= test_me.exe
# Here is a Make Macro that uses the backslash to extend to multiple lines.
Test1.o \
Test2.o \
# Here is a Make Macro defined by two Macro Expansions.
# A Macro Expansion may be treated as a textual replacement of the Make Macro.
# Macro Expansions are introduced with $ and enclosed in (parentheses).
REBUILDABLES=$(OBJS)$(LINK_TARGET)# Here is a simple Rule (used for "cleaning" your build environment).
# It has a Target named "clean" (left of the colon ":" on the first line),
# no Dependencies (right of the colon),
# and two Commands (indented by tabs on the lines that follow).
# The space before the colon is not required but added here for clarity.
clean :rm-f$(REBUILDABLES)echoCleandone# There are two standard Targets your Makefile should probably have:
# "all" and "clean", because they are often command-line Goals.
# Also, these are both typically Artificial Targets, because they don't typically
# correspond to real files named "all" or "clean".
# The rule for "all" is used to incrementally build your system.
# It does this by expressing a dependency on the results of that system,
# which in turn have their own rules and dependencies.
all :$(LINK_TARGET)echoAlldone# There is no required order to the list of rules as they appear in the Makefile.
# Make will build its own dependency tree and only execute each rule only once
# its dependencies' rules have been executed successfully.
# Here is a Rule that uses some built-in Make Macros in its command:
# $@ expands to the rule's target, in this case "test_me.exe".
# $^ expands to the rule's dependencies, in this case the three files
# main.o, test1.o, and test2.o.
$(LINK_TARGET) :$(OBJS)g++-g-o$@$^# Here is a Pattern Rule, often used for compile-line.
# It says how to create a file with a .o suffix, given a file with a .cpp suffix.
# The rule's command uses some built-in Make Macros:
# $@ for the pattern-matched target
# $< for the pattern-matched dependency
%.o :%.cppg++-g-o$@-c$<# These are Dependency Rules, which are rules without any command.
# Dependency Rules indicate that if any file to the right of the colon changes,
# the target to the left of the colon should be considered out-of-date.
# The commands for making an out-of-date target up-to-date may be found elsewhere
# (in this case, by the Pattern Rule above).
# Dependency Rules are often used to capture header file dependencies.
Main.o :Main.h Test1.h Test2.hTest1.o :Test1.h Test2.hTest2.o :Test2.h# Alternatively to manually capturing dependencies, several automated
# dependency generators exist. Here is one possibility (commented out)...
# %.dep : %.cpp
# g++ -M $(FLAGS) $< > $@
# include $(OBJS:.o=.dep)
## Learning from [GNU make](http://make.mad-scientist.net/papers/how-not-to-use-vpath/)
example 1
objs= Vehicle.o LoadVehicle.o PassengerVehicle.o EmergencyEquipment.o EmergecyVehicle.o Decision.o main.o
v :$(objs)
g++ -o v $(objs)Vehicle.o :Vehicle.cppLoadVehicle.o :LoadVehicle.cppPassengerVehicle.o :PassengerVehicle.cppEmergencyEquipment.o :EmergencyEquipment.cppEmergecyVehicle.o :EmergecyVehicle.cppDecision.o :Decision.cppmain.o :main.cpp.PHONY :cleanclean :-rm v $(objs)*.orig