06 May 2014
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Learning VimScript

following codes will ignore the : precede every command.

1. Prerequisites

  1. :help command
  2. echo / echom (leave in :messages, useful for debuging.)

2 ~ 3. Echoing Messages & Setting Options

  1. boolean options: :set name / :set noname / set name!
  2. query: :set command? (e.g. :set numberwidth? can check the width of line number.)
  3. multiple options - :set number numberwidth=6

4. Basic Mapping

  1. map - x / map - dd = basic
  2. map <space> viw = use name to call speical key
  3. map <c-d> dd = modifier keys {ctrl = c, alt = m}
  4. map - ddp / map - ddkP = move line down/up

5. Modal Mapping

  1. nmap / vmap / imap = modal mapping.
  2. vmap \ U = upper selected text in visual mode.
  3. imap <c-u> <esc>viwUae = upper word under the cursor in insert mode and back in insert mode

6. Strict Mapping

  1. donwside of common mapping = nmap - dd then nmap \ -, will make \ = = dd
  2. nunmap - / nunmap \ = remove mapping.
  3. recursive mapping = try this nmap dd O<esc>jddk.
  4. nonrecursive mapping
recursive version nonrecursive version
map noremap
nmap nnoremap
imap inoremap
vmap vnoremap

Remember: always use nonrecursive version. Save yourself the trouble when you install a plugin or add a new custom mapping.

5. Leaders

  1. mapleader = use in .vimrc, e.g. nnoremap <leader>- dd
  2. maplocalleader = can be same with mapleader, better not same, use in local .vim file in case to conflict with global mapleader
  3. an example of leader value = let mapleader = “,” / let maplocalleader = “\”

6. More Mapping

  1. < / > = go to last selected content’s first char or last char
  2. ’< / ‘> = go to last selected content’s first line or last line

7. Training your fingers

to force you use shortcut, map occord keys to

  1. noremap

8. Buffer-Local Options and Mapping

  1. nnoremap d dd nnoremap x dd x mapping will only take effect in current buffer.
  2. nnoremap x dd is a bad habit, in local buffer you shoul use

  3. setlocal can change setting of current buffer.

  4. shadowing: like program in c,
int flag = 1;
void f(int flag)
    if (flag == 1) 


flag in f() will hide the global flag. in vim, you set following mapings: :noremap Q dd :noremap Q x

when you type Q, first Q will take effect, because is more specific than no .

  1. setl[ocal] all : show all local settings. if it uses a global value, there will be – before the option. setl[ocal] : (no parameter) show local settings that different its default value. setl[ocal] {option}< : use global value for {option}. se[t] {option}< : use global value for {option} (option is global-local option : use help global-local to learn more)

  2. use of :map ,w dd :unmap ,w :mapclear

map-precedence :map \a :echo "Local \a" :map \abc :echo "Global \abc"

will make \a work immediately ignore longer mapping \abc ## 9. Autocommands. 1. :autocmd BufNewFile *.txt :write 2. :autocmd BufWritePre, BufRead *.html :normal gg=G 3. :autocmd BufNewFile, BufRead *.html setlocal nowrap 4. :autocmd FileType javascript nnoremap c I// more events: help autocmd-events. ## 10. Autocommand Groups 1. in order to avoid duplicate cmds, define autocmd using Autocommand Groups, like this:
:augroup group_name
:autocmd BufWrite * :echom "write success"
... lots of other commands.
:augroup END
another example:
:augroup filetype_html
:autocmd FileType html nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>f Vatzf
:augroup END
## 11. Operator-Pending Mappings 1. :onoremap p i( = cp will be same with ci(, that is cp will change content in parentheses and dp will be same with di(...... 2. :onoremap b /return = notice used like inoremap, nnoremap and vnoremap.
void f() {
    int i(0);
    int j(1);
    int k(0);
    return 0;
put cursor in i, and press db, will delete lines until return. 3. Change the Start :onoremap in( :normal! f(vi( = will select the content in next pair of parentheses e.g.: void func(int & hello); put cursor somewhere in the word void, and type `cin(`, it will delete the content in the parentheses, and place you in insert mode between them. or :onoremap il( :normal! F)vi( = select last parentheses see :help omap-info ## 12. Abbreviations vim will substitute `non-keyword` characters. (see :set iskeyword?) 1. :iabbrev adn and, :iabbrev taht that, :iabbrev @@ jacysun@gmail.com 2. why not use `map` ? `map` cannot take context into account when replace the target. `abbrev` will pay attention to the characters before and after the target. 3. :iabbrev --- &mdash = use option. 4. :autocmd FileType python :iabbrev iff if: = remember to use augroup. :autocmd FileType javascript :iabbrev iff if() = remember to use augroup ## 13. More Operator-Pending Mappings 1. :onoremap ih :execute "normal! ?^==\\+$\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_" type `cih`, vim will change title of markdown file. `execute`: execute the string as a vim command script. 2. :onoremap ih :execute "normal! ?^[\-=]\\+$\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_" type `cih`, vim will change title of markdown both =========== or ----------- are supported. ## 14. Variables. 1. :let x = 10 | :echo x = define a variable name x. :unlet x to delete a variable. 2. :let &wrap = 1 == Option `wrap` as a variable. Notice `wrap` is a boolean, 0 menas false, otherwise means true. 3. :let &l:number=0 == Local Option as a variable. 4. >1. :let @a="hello", then `"ap` will paste "hello" to editor. or :echo @a, messages window will shows "hello" == use `Register` as a variable. 2. yank a word, and :echo @" will show the word in message window, `"` is default yank register. 3. use `/` to search a word, then :echo @/ will show the word in message window, `/` is search register. You can change the search behaviour by changing the value in `/` register. 5. you should never use `let` in your .vimrc when `set` is suffice, because `let` is harder to read. ## 15. Scope. 1. variable with a b:, l: ... specifies it's scope. see :help internal-variables to learn more. ## 16. Conditional. 1. "hello10" + 10 = 10, "10hello" + 10 = 20 (string begins with number will convert to that number in an arithmetic expression.); if "astring" == if 0 ("string" as a boolean equals to false.) ## 17. Comparisons. 1. numbers comparison use >, <, == is ok, or better ==#(==?) 2.> string comparison don't use == , use ==#, ==?, because == is depends on user's settings. ==# is case-sensitive, ==? is case-insensitive, both of them will ignore the setting of comparison operator like (&ignorecase) see :help ignorecase and noignorecase, :help expr4 ## 18. Function. 1. define a function. > :function Fun() : echo "fun" :endfunction 2. call a function: > :call Fun() 3. return value. > :echo Fun() will output "fun" and 0, the 0 means default return value of a function(who doesn't return a value explicit) is 0. define a function, :function Funr() : return "func" :endfunction then :echo Funr() will show func, it's a explicit return value. ## 19. Function Arguments. 1. fixed count arguments, visit by a: > :function FixedCount(name) : echo a:name :endfunction 2. varargs. > :function Vararg(...) : echom a:0 : echom a:1 : echo a:000 :endfunction then :call Vararg("a", "b") output: a:0 == 2, which means the number of arguments you were given. a:1 == "a", which is the first argument. *a:1 = a:000[0]* a:000 is the whole argument list, which can be print with echo only other than echom. 3. mix style of fixed count and varargs. > :function Mix(fix, ...) : echo a:fix : echo a:0 : echo a:000 :endfunction then :call Mix("fine", "a", "b") output: a:fix == "fine", a:0 = 2 ( "a" and "b"), a:000 = "a", "b" 4. no assignment to a:arg. > :function temp(arg) : "a:arg = 10 " error, assignment to arg is disallowed. : let temparg = a:arg : temparg = 10 :endfunction 5. more to see :help function-argument. && help local-variables. ## 20. Number & String. 1. 0xff, 017, 1.24e4, 1.24e+4, 1.24e-4, 100.11, 2. + is only for number, operators will be cor 3. :help floating-point-precision. ## Useful Command 1. echo $MYVIMRC ## 1. 常用快捷键 - 1. 折叠 > zR : 打开所有折叠 2. mac os system install vim with python support: sudo port install macvim +python27 # Plugins --- ## vim with python support. 在leopard snow下面编译不同版本的vim。 以下通过3种不同的方法安装vim。 1. 从官方下载source编译 去vim官网下载 http://www.vim.org/download.php 直接下载 ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.2.tar.bz2 或者通过 svn checkout 源码: svn co https://vim.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vim/vim7 或者通过hg取得源码: hg clone https://vim.googlecode.com/hg/ vim 最后一步编译 vim ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-cscope --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-perlinterp --enable-tclinterp --enable-multibyte --enable-cscope --disable-gui make make install 2.通过 macports 安装 vim 先安装好macports 再执行一下命令安装vim: sudo port install vim +python +ruby 3.编译 macvim 下载macvim ,直接去 http://code.google.com/p/macvim/ 下载 或者通过 git 取得 源码: git clone git://repo.or.cz/MacVim.git vim7 进到 MacVim的 vim7 目录 。执行 /configure --enable-pythoninterp=yes --enable-rubyinterp=yes --with-python=/usr/bin/python make make 成功后。 会有一个目录提示,进到次目录后就可以看到编译好的 MacVim.app, 把MacVim.app复制到你想放的目录就可以了。 不过在Snow Leopard中默认的python 是2.6版本的。 如果在MacVim使用python2.5. 请记得 把python 的Current设为2.5. 使用以下命令 cd /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ rm Current ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current 99. 上面介绍了3种vim的编译方法。 下面测试vim是否成功支持python。 进到vim 按 esc 输入 :python import sys 回车 按 esc 输入 :python print sys.version 回车 如果成功打印python版本,说明你的vim已经支持python了。 下一步可以为vim 安装omnicomplete。然后就可以在vim 通过 ctrl+x ctrl+o 进行自动完成了。 ## clang_complete ### Install Problems: 1. two ways to use clang_complete: clang_complete can be configured to use the clang executable or the clang library clang_complete uses the clang executable by default but the clang library will execute lot faster - clang_complete plugin (using the clang executable) needs: clang must be installed in your system and be in the PATH do not set (let) g:clang_library_path to a path containing the libclang.so library - clang_complete plugin (using the clang library) needs: python installed in your system vim must be built with python support (do :version and look for a +python/dyn or +python3/dyn entry) set (let) g:clang_library_path to the directory path where libclang.so is contained 2. whereis libclang.so? One can install libclang 3.4 on Ubuntu with apt-get install libclang-3.4-dev which installs into /usr/lib/llvm-3.4/ and in particular, installs libclang.so as /usr/lib/llvm-3.4/lib/libclang.so 3. libclang can not find the builtin includes. This will cause slow code completion. Please report the problem. ## Skills - 查看vim是64位还是32位?
file "path/to/your/macvim/content/Mavim"
- Vundle安装ctrlp失败,是怎么回事? **原始代码:**
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp'
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
注意:加上.vim. 规律:配置在Vundle里的,来自github的Plugin,写法就是去掉github.com开头,去掉结尾的.git - brew 安装macvim
brew install macvim

brew linkapps # create shortcut in /Applications.
- 查看c++编译器使用的系统文件包含路径
echo | clang -v -E -x c++ -
- YCM 不能不全STL,怎么办? > - UTF-8 bomb set nobomb set bomb - horizontally move cursor when wrap is off zs, ze ( horizontally begin and end). zl, zL zh, zH - vimgrep recursively search ? vimgrep "something" ** ## ctrlp cast summary - shortcuts of c-p - use c-f to switch between path/file/mru... - use c-y to create path/file which is not exist before in c-p. - use c-z to mark multiple file to open, then c-o to open them. - ctrlp looks for .git .svn etc as project root dir. - c-p : 3 to goto line 3 after opening the file. - c-p:/some to goto first occurrence of "some" after opening the file. ------- - 一旦CtrlP被打开了,就可以使用以下的命令 - 清除当前目录下的缓存,获取新的结构 - 在各个模式下转换 - 使用文件名搜索代替全路径搜索 - 使用正则模式 - 上下选择文件 - 在新的tab或者新的分割窗口打开选择的文件 - 找到之前或者之后查找的字符串 - 创建一个新的文件 - 标记或者取消标记多个文件然后使用打开它们 ## key mapping >When executing the key sequences in a key map, if Vim encounters an error, then the map will be aborted and the remaining key sequences will not be executed - help keycodes to see key name - help vim-script... to learn vimscript grammar. usr_41.txt. - help functions: learn about build-in functions in vim. or, to access a (more useful) categorized listing: :help function-list
